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Saturn : Time, Heritage and Substance by Melanie Reinhart read book DJV, MOBI, PDF


An exploration of Saturn, with special emphasis on the Saturn-Neptune signature. Mythological images discussed include the Greek gods Kronos and Pan, Parsifal and the Fool, the processes of Alchemy and Karma. Whether you are new to astrology, or a seasoned pro, you will find something inspirational just for you in this book. Saturn is discussed as Lord of time, structure, manifestation and the preservation of what has already been established. Traditional meanings of Saturn are explored in the context of our contemporary condition of rapid change, and how this affects our relationship with Saturn. This book is a transcript of a live seminar given in London. If your astrological chart has these planets in aspect, or you were born with Saturn in Pisces, Saturn in the 12th house or Neptune in the 10th house, you will relate in a particularly intimate way to the material. The interface between individual and collective is explored in a variety of ways. Mythological images discussed include the Greek gods Kronos and Pan, Parsifal and the Fool, and the processes of Alchemy and Karma. The traditional domicile of Saturn is reviewed, its transit cycle is explored in detail, and the final section includes discussion of Saturns position through the 12 houses. First published in 1996 by the CPA Press as part of their seminar series, this book contains the edited transcript of a seminar which was part of the Diploma programme of the Centre for Psychology Astrology in London. It was originally published under the title "To the Edge and Beyond: Saturn, Chiron and the Centaurs," together with material on Chiron and the Centaurs. This is a stand-alone version of the first transcription, a seminar on Saturn. In preparing this new edition, extensive revision was avoided, to allow the material to retain the freshness of the spoken word, as in the original edition. (Printed edition containing both topics is still available, entitled Saturn, Chiron and the Centaurs.)

Saturn : Time, Heritage and Substance read online ebook DOC, DJV, TXT

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